Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm in love - really in love

I'm truely and deeply in love. the real thing! we met yesterday at the sewing machine store. we were introduced by the owner of the shop Mr. Heller and we looked at eachother and had butterflies in our stomach (well at least i had). she is the most beautiful sewing machine and i really love her. she is a janome dc 3050 with lots of benefits...

seeing the bobbin everytime you adjust the sewing foot. i normally turn up at the end of the seam noticing that the thread has run out just after i started. causing me to say awful words and be frustrated. i'm an impatient gemini. the real impatient sort.

there also is a button for speeding things up (i said i was really impatient)

and there is a little display making handling very easy. and i mean really easy! i didn't even need more than 20 minutes to grasp all the possibilities. well i might have been blinded by love but surely only a little :-)

and look at all those stitches...

i've allready tried some out...

i brought her home and immediately started on the work i was forced to interrupt a couple of days ago (when the other machine broke down and the loaned one wasn't working the way i wanted). and i just finished the project...

1 tea cosy - 6 egg cosies - 6 serviettes - 1 big serviette for the bread basket
what a pitty that we are leaving for an extended trip of the weekend. I will not be able to set the breakfast table on the weekend with my new beauties.

see you after the weekend, t:t

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

time flows by soooo fast

sorry, i had wanted to post a couple of pics on the weekend and just didn't get around doing it. so here i am again...

we visited our "family and friends gettogether" over Whitsun. we have a really big family scattered all over the world. over 70 kids parents grandparents and greatgrandparents travelled from siwtzerland, austria, england canada and of course all parts of germany to catch up with eachother. it was a wonderful time. i didn't think of all the problems we have at the moment for the whole weekend and was able to relaxe and gain some energy. the reunion was held in the donautal at the gorgeous village beuron. it has an old benedictine monastery and is pilgrim's site. i love the place because it's very peaceful and there is nothing nearby (no supermarket, no industry no highway, no nothing). the monks have a local shop were they sell handcrafted things and they also have butcher's shop selling the best sausage.

my brother and his wife bought a forester's lodge with a lot of forest around it and moved there two years ago. it is a wonderful house built long ago for the local nobel family as their hunting lodge.

after the official lunch we were all invited to their wonderful lodge and enjoyed local products and their ho me made bread. nothing tastes as good as homemade food and boyfriend and i really enjoyed the day.

i love my niece and nephew. they are the sweetest children i know and i think my brother and his wife are doing a really good job. it is such a pitty we live so far away. we only see them every 18 mounths or so and than mostly just for a short time without getting to know their everyday habbits. their sorrows and joys. i just wish i could be there seeing them grow up and being a part of their life. we're visiting them in july and i'm really looking forward to it.

family is one of the most inportant things to me. take cdare t:t

Friday, May 16, 2008

first comment received

i just received my first comment! well not really because kate had written it at the end of april and i hadn't noticed it untill now. oh this is really embarrassing. i'm such a looser when it comes to computers and the web. Anyway thank you soo much for the comment kate. i will now be more observative. thanks again t:t

taking the day off

yesterday evening i decided i would take friday off. work has been very tiring lately - well for the last 8 mounths and i just need a break. even if it's just a day.

my plans for today are:
  • grocery shopping

  • fabric shopping

  • check out some sewing machines at the local shop (i need a new one as i've decided not to get the old one repaired)

  • finally(!) bring the old clothes and shoes to the caritas

  • clean apartment

  • do washing

and finally if this is all completed before supper time get some sewing done... so i have enough to do. I'm allready dressed and just about to start the cleaning bit.

I just wanted to show you some recent work i was able to finish...

1) a host-present for a dear friend (i stayed there in march - feel really bad that it took so long to get accomplished)

2) And then there is a little nisse i saw here and fell in love with him immediately. when i wa about to stich the little face i thought he looked as if he wanted to be a cheeky nisse. so i gave him a litle tongue and i'm still thinking about a little earing in one of his ears. he still need clothes so there is some time left to think about the earing...

I'll be back with some lovely pictures from the weekend, take care t:t

Thursday, May 8, 2008

making progress

i finished some things yesterday evening night with the spare sewing machine of a very dear friend. thanks ricky! i'm still not sure if i should have my machine repared or if it is time for a new one. i have always had problems with the tension. oh well i'll figure that out on the way. anyway, ricky is borrowing me her spare machine and she also offered i could have it if i'm fine with it. so, there will be a lot of testing done next week.

i got some pojects done last night...

do you remember the red fabric i showed you a couple of posts ago? well here are the first small projects. more to come.

i'm off for the extended weekend. family get together... will return fresh and full o new ideas ... and lots of pics from the kids.

have a nice weekend, t:t

Friday, May 2, 2008

lazzy day

yesterday was a public holiday. boyfriend and i went to have breakfast at one of our most favourite sites. the little garden house in the 18. district. as long as i know they have never painted any garden chair nor have they ever invested into new crockery or glasses. it is one of those spots filled with magic as if the time stood still and changes never happen...

i love how they put the salt and pepper into the ashtray (it's always a clean one)...

in the evening boyfriend tried to give technical support with the sewing machine. the expectations were high but he didn't succeed.

i'll have to go and get it fixed professionally. *grr* come to think of it this machine has always had problems with tension. has anybody had the same experiences as myself. i read soo many tutorials on tension and i still couldn't get it right and since a couple of days its unacceptable and i can't ignore it any longer.

have a nice weekend t:t