Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm in love - really in love

I'm truely and deeply in love. the real thing! we met yesterday at the sewing machine store. we were introduced by the owner of the shop Mr. Heller and we looked at eachother and had butterflies in our stomach (well at least i had). she is the most beautiful sewing machine and i really love her. she is a janome dc 3050 with lots of benefits...

seeing the bobbin everytime you adjust the sewing foot. i normally turn up at the end of the seam noticing that the thread has run out just after i started. causing me to say awful words and be frustrated. i'm an impatient gemini. the real impatient sort.

there also is a button for speeding things up (i said i was really impatient)

and there is a little display making handling very easy. and i mean really easy! i didn't even need more than 20 minutes to grasp all the possibilities. well i might have been blinded by love but surely only a little :-)

and look at all those stitches...

i've allready tried some out...

i brought her home and immediately started on the work i was forced to interrupt a couple of days ago (when the other machine broke down and the loaned one wasn't working the way i wanted). and i just finished the project...

1 tea cosy - 6 egg cosies - 6 serviettes - 1 big serviette for the bread basket
what a pitty that we are leaving for an extended trip of the weekend. I will not be able to set the breakfast table on the weekend with my new beauties.

see you after the weekend, t:t

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